Coach Training & Education
Coaches are the backbone of our program and we want to provide the support and education they need to confidently provide a safe and positive environment for students while making mountain biking fun.
League-provided coach licensing is intended to be completed prior to June 1st, when regular practice season begins.
Below are current information for all our coach training courses. To register. Upon completion, upload certificates in your NICA Pit Zone coach account. League organized Leaders Summits, BFA/CPR, AFA and OTB101 training are free to all coaches! Email your race director with any questions.
Leaders summits
Registration is live - NICA Leaders summit registration and information
Click on the button below for detailed information and to see the full schedule of sessions!
Prerequisite Training:
Please complete the online portion of OTB101 through the Pit Zone coach training prior to attending the outdoor OTB101 class.
Cost: OTB101 is free to all registered coaches!
The OTB-101 courses are taught by NICA Certified Skills Instructors.
—>These classes are taught at the team level. Please contact your head coach for more information. <—
Head coaches, if you need an OTB-101 instructor for your team, please contact for information.
OTB-101 is a one-time requirement for License Levels 2 & 3. OTB101 can also be taken for CEUs each year after your first time.
OTB-201 is an option to obtain Continuing Education Units (CEUs) - class offerings for OTB201 are limited and there is a fee for taking the class.
OTB201 classes will be posted on our Eventbrite page - be sure to follow us for updates!
First Aid Certification
Basic First Aid (BFA) (with CPR)
League-scheduled BFA/CPR classes are available, please click HERE to register.
Basic First Aid classes can also be scheduled if you have 10 or more coaches and a location to conduct the training.
Reach out to to obtain more information about this.
NICA Approved Advanced First Aid (AFA)
AFA is an 8hr class that will fulfill the Level 3 requirement for first aid for Ride Leaders/Teams practicing less than 1 hour to definitive care.
Register HERE for AFA
Ride Leaders practicing outside of 1 hour to definitive care need WFA or a higher level certification
Register HERE for WFA (Classes will be live soon)
WFA costs $150 - select coaches will receive a coupon code to make this class free (discuss with your head coach)
Coaches can take BFA/CPR or WFA from any NICA approved provider
—>Learn more by visiting this link<—
**Online only classes will not be accepted for any first aid credit**
CeU Credits
A coach must complete Continuing Education Units every 3 years to maintain a level 2 or level 3 NICA Coach License. CEUs are required to maintain, not attain, a Level 2 or 3 license. The level 2 coach must complete 3 CEUs every 3 years. The level 3 coach must complete 6 CEUs every 3 years. Generally, 1 hour of course work equals one CEU.
Visit NICA's Education Webpage to learn about different ways to complete continuing education units.
Want to learn more about coach training and licensing? Visit the Coach Licensing Program on NICA’s site.
Do you have a question about coach training or licensing that you need an answer for - you can use the NICA Coach Help Desk.